Blog Archives

Augmented Reality in the Classroom

colar1ColAR is a new way I have come across to integrate technology into the classroom . The website offers a range of free pages that can be printed on any type of paper using any printer (no magic ink required). The app is free to download and works on both IOS and Android. Children (or teachers) simply colour the sheet (although it is not a requirement), lay the sheet on a flat surface, hold the device above the sheet (ensuring that the whole sheet is visible) and let the magic happen.

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Twittering in School

2013-10-07 15.59.31-1I am not a fan of handwriting copies, however I found that integrating social media into our handwriting copies made it a much more enjoyable task. Everyday students wrote a tweet (140 characters) in their handwriting copies.
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Which step have you reached today? (As Gaeilge)
